Band Parents - You Have a Choice
Band Parents - YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE...When you sign up to rent your fifth grader's band instruments you can rent locally from Piano Trends Music and Band or you can rent from a company from OUT of our district area at a 25% higher rental rate. Tell your schools you want local.

You can rent your instrument locally and receive service and assistance 6 days a week morning to night 10-730 during convenient store hours at Piano Trends. You can rent locally with owners and staff that live and work with your teachers in our community. We support our kids. Compare the out of towner's rate of $39/month on a trumpet, flute, tbone, or clarinet and see our $30/local rate that has not increased in five years. We support our kids. Most district 47 band directors know our caring policy of serving our kids so be sure to tell your friends to ask for and to shop local. Make sure your school knows you want to shop local. or just stop in Piano Trends Music & Band.
Our staff is ready to help your child get ready for band. Piano Trends Band instructor and one of our managers Jason Bruno is seen in video working with one of his saxophone students and having fun teaching outside Piano Trends drawing a crowd. We make Music Fun. Don't be fooled into renting with the out of town rental company when local business can provide better service much better pricing and the same quality name brand instruments. Our teachers,and our tehcnicians live locally and support our community. We appreciate your support back. thank you