Piano Trends Music & Band will provide HillCrest High School in Country Club Hills with 10 console studio pianos for the band and music contest on March 4th. All ten pianos will be tuned and prepped. The ten pianos will be available as part of a special sale that weekend with each piano being clearly

marked with a special all inclusive price with delivery and tax included. All the buyer needs to pay for would be additional tuning if needed. Each piano will have been tuned twice in preparation for this contest. Buyers will save hundreds and have a fully prepped piano delivered to their home. They can pay by phone with a credit card and we will deliver all sold pianos on Monday March 6th. One of our best piano deals of the year. Prices will be starting at around $800 up to $2500 for these select few pianos. Call us if you have any quesitons at 815.477.4266