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Parents, You Do Have a Choice

when it comes to renting band instruments in District 47. You need not pay more from an out of town business that looks at our music programs strictly from a profit and loss standpoint. Crystal Lake has hometown Music Stores to rent instruments from. Crystal Lake Businesses support local schools with tax base. We watch our kids grow up, attend their concerts and take an active part in supporting their musical endeavors. Piano Trends Music has been part of the school music programs since 1990 Both local stores offer 25% lower monthly rental rates on the same band instruments an out of town music business supported by the school district is offering and both local music stores service those instruments using local technicians. We shop local. We hope you encourage your friends and family to shop local as well. Our community thrives when the community supports one another. Crystal Lake has always been that kind of community and that is why we are proud to call it home. Please share post if you agree

Facebook comments

Kim Wilson Kozlowski My cousin gave my son a saxophone to use. It needed to be tuned up and a piece was broken. My cousin travels the world to play and is on the board of directors for the Harvard University orchestra. NO ONE would fix the saxophone. Took it to piano trends and they took it, fixed it and charged only for the cleaning. Sadly my son quit playing the saxophone but their service and willingness to help was amazing. Not to mention their passion for the art of music.

Nikki Giarratano Michalski Very easy to sign up at the place represented at the Core Center tonight. Perhaps a conversation with the school board would be more profitable for your business.

. Its not about business Nickki. Easy but costly and local business can provide and support the community. You have 2 long standing music stores info crystal lake Piano Trends and Players Bench both with outstanding reputations

NIkki, Just wanted to add and to point out the main reason we feel strongly about this. Piano Trends has 25 staff members who work, live and support this community. Not only do I believe in giving back to the community that has supported us for almost 30 years but this staff (, many of whom have been with us for more than 2 decades) has earned my respect and they deserve all of our support as well. Our town deserves local business taking care of them in ways no one else can. Our kids go to school together, play together and grow up together. We establish lifelong friends. That is what Crystal Lake has been about to us and that is a legacy our community can be proud of. It is not just dollars and cents, it does take a village as they say and we have that type of village.

Kari Trodahl Hartman I will tell you that 2 years ago my son rented from the place the district suggested and their customer service was horrible and it took me 2 months to get a hold of anyone to schedule a return- which can meant I had to drive the instrument back to itasca, I wished I would have rented from a local place, for many reasons !

Stephanie M. O'Neill Macro We had the same poor customer experience. One time had to take it to Itasca. Another time the called to collect on a bill we already paid. Definitely make sure you know where you are renting from and where you have to go for service.

Aimee Schlieder BuzzardI have used both the school district place and Piano Trends for two different children. My experience with Piano Trends has been far surpassed my experience with the other place. It’s unfortunate that the schools don’t give more than one option at the time. With my first child there was only one option so we went with them blindly. Experience has been okay but I’ve ended up paying more than I needed too and customer service has been mediocre at times. For example, I had to call 3 times to get someone to fix part of our instrument, ( I pay for the plan that comes covers that.)The store is not conveniently located so we didn’t have a choice. I just recently called to return that instrument, which I still haven’t received confirmation that it has been picked up. With my second child we chose piano trends because they were close. Customer service has been excellent. Everything has been super easy because I can just stop in and get the answers that I need. It may seem easier to do what the district is telling you but call around and ask about pricing, options to buy etc.

Karen Bardwell Travis Amy Mach Machesky Gayle Weil Johnston

Gayle Weil Johnston Just did it the easy way, didn’t even think of another option. 😥

Amy Mach Machesky we rented Abby’s trumpet through music and arts and they work with Players bench. I have had them check/ clean Abby’s trumpet in the last 2 years without any problems! They even gave us a loaner to use until her trumpet was back. I am going tomorrow to register Riley, hopefully I can do the same.

Lisa DeYoung SerpicoLisa and 10 others joined Crystal Lake Dist 47 Parents Community Information within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community! Thanks for the info! It would have been helpful to know this before I signed my kid up this afternoon and signed the contract with the other company. This is my first kid in band, so I trusted that the school had my best interests in mind.

Sonja Jensen Kahovec I just went to and decided to think about it and see if there are other options. I’m glad I waited. There has to be a grace period to cancel with them, don’t you think? I would go there tomorrow morning between 9-12 and cancel with them.

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