Piano Trends Owner Tim Paul to speak at NAMM Show
5 Events to Create Lifelong Customers
Saturday, January 26, 2019 — 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm
ACC, Level 1, Lobby, NAMM Idea Center
Presenter:Tim Paul

Hosting events not only helps drive sales but also sets the stage for long-term business growth and customer loyalty. And if you’re looking for new ideas for successful events, Tim Paul of Piano Trends Music & Band will be your guide. Paul, who also serves as board president for Raue Center for the Arts, has won over his community, and grown his business, by creating events that have promoted music, music making and his store to local (and not-so-local) customers. Here, he’ll walk you through how to host exciting and effective events built around festivals, holidays and just about any excuse to associate customers with music and your store. Note: None of his examples will be sales events, but all of them have resulted in more business. Find out how they can grow your business, too.
Creative Ways to Find New Piano Customers
Thursday, January 24, 2019 — 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Hilton, Level 4, A9
Presenter:Bob Popyk
It’s a different world today for piano and keyboard retailers. It doesn’t matter if it’s an acoustic or digital—piano customers are out there, but we have to go after them.

This panel discussion, moderated by Music Trades Magazine columnist Bob Popyk, includes piano retailers Bob Gallagher from Ohio, Tim Paul from Illinois, Britt Cawthon from Texas, Angela Harmon from Washington and Nicholas Estrada from California. They’ll share new ideas to promote the benefits of learning to play, working with teachers, creating an effective internet presence, hosting outside promotions, holding concerts and clinics, having class lessons, going after the senior market and much more.