Jazz Trenders Coming to Raue Center Thursday April 18
Jason & the Jazz Trenders of Piano Trends
Jason Bruno is a jazz saxophonist who happens to be a manager at Piano Trends Music Company. Jason will be directing and bringing the Staff and students of Piano Trends Music Studios to the Raue for a variety of jazz and pop tunes for everyone. Special guests include violinist Lisa Perfors, Trombonists Adam Brown and Adam Huckeby. Other special surprise guests will also appear.

Stop by anytime between 5 and 7. enjoy a cup of coffee or other favorite beverage as the Jazz Trenders have a little fun inside the Raue Cafe. You never know what music they might play and you won't know who might show up to perform. What you can know is that it will be fun and our local community musicians and students will have a blast playing for you.